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Thursday, November 11, 2010

More NEW Homeowners are Becoming Delinquent

Has the real estate market hit bottom? Unfortunately, the answer is no … not yet. Experts think we are  actually few years away from a recovery.

Helping homeowners avoid foreclosure, especially through short sales, is a relevant way for real estate agents to assist in community stabilization, and helped families find greater financial stability.

Real Estate agents will continue to lead the housing industry out of the current crisis. ..And it is happening one homeowner at a time.

Work with a CDPE Certified agent

Monday, October 11, 2010

What Foreclosure Freezes Mean for Distressed Homeowners

Not every distressed homeowner may qualify for a short sale. But in this economy, a CDPE Certified Real Estate agent has the opportunity to find solutions for homeowners in need, even if it does not result in a sale. This responsibility can also work to try to help stabilize community values can also help to salvage financial futures for those facing true hardships.

Call a Certified CDPE agent today if you are facing financial distress.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ten Worst Places to Live

Ten Worst Places to Live: according to FOXBusinessNews"Times are tough right now: the housing market is still weak, unemployment remains high and the stock market is stuck in neutral.
But things could be worse if you live in one of these 10 cities, which face the HIGHEST UNEMPLOYMENT in the country, CORRUPT CITY OFFICIALS and SKY-HIGH FORECLOSURE rates.

WalletPop’s list of the 10 worst cities to live."

1. El Centro, California
One in four people here are out of work and the city holds the not-so-distinguished honor of having the highest unemployment rate.

1A. Yuma, Arizona (close behind El Centro, CA)
...has a jobless rate triple the national average of 9.5%.

2. Cleveland, Ohio
...factoring in its high unemployment (9.1%), high taxes, lousy weather, and political corruption.

3. Detroit, Michigan
America's most dangerous city with...violent's heavy reliance on the stumbling auto industry, high foreclosure (13.7%) and unemployment rates.

4. Las Vegas, Nevada
One of the hardest hit cities when the housing bubble burst with the highest foreclosure rate in the country in 2009.

5. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
The unhealthiest city of the country, including obesity, death rate from cardiovascular disease.

6. Los Angeles, California
If you don't care about breathing, (holding the worst ozone pollution in the country) LA is a great place.

7. Phoenix, Arizona
Beyond the controversial immigration measure, AZ's housing market still remains a mess. It ranks among the top 10 worst metro markets regarding foreclosures. AZ also holds the title for the worst year-round particle pollution in the country.

8. Newark, New Jersey
Newark has been likened to Detroit but with it's own political and social dysfunction. More then 1/4 population lives below the poverty line and it has the most Superfund toxic-waste sites in the nation. Though crimes has been reduced, it still remains a major issue.

9. Miami, Florida
Listed (right behind Detroit) as being the worst place to raise a family which likely means making it a terrible place to live. Crime, safety, education, economics, housing, cultural attractions and health contribute to making Miami make the cut in the "worst places to live")

10. Memphis, Tennessee
One of the worst violent crime rates in the country and ranked third (by Forbes) as miserable cities for corrution by city officials.

For more detailed information:

Friday, August 20, 2010

Foreclosure Avoidance Option -10

Foreclosure Avoidance Options

Foreclosure is one of the most devastating financial challenges that a family can face and one that many times can be avoided. The options available to residents for foreclosure are many, including but not limited to short sales. Each day, in the next 10 days I will be providing a brief explanation of these solutions:

Option #10:  SHORT SALE

If a homeowner owes more on their property than it is currently worth, then they can hire a qualified CDPE Real Estate Agent to market and sell their property through the negotiation of a short sale with their lender. This typically requires the property to be on the market and the homeowner must have a financial hardship to qualify. Hardship can be simply defined as a material change in the financial stability of the homeowner between the date of the home purchase and the date of the short sale negotiation. Acceptable hardships include but are not limited to: mortgage payment increase, job loss, divorce, excessive debt, forced or unplanned relocation, and more.

This represents only one of the solutions available to homeowners facing foreclosure and the conclusion of Foreclosure Avoidance Options.
Understanding your options now could mean all the difference in the world.

I am a Designated CDPE, for a confidential evaluation of your individual situation, property value, and possible options, call me.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Foreclosure and Unemployment stats-

Did you know?

◦1 in 7 mortgages are not being paid

◦25% of all U.S. properties are underwater

◦Currently unemployment stands at 9.9%

◦Shorts Sales are the leading distressed property transaction in the industry today

Foreclosure Avoidance Option -9

Foreclosure Avoidance Options

Foreclosure is one of the most devastating financial challenges that a family can face and one that many times can be avoided. The options available to residents for foreclosure are many, including but not limited to short sales. Each day, in the next 10 days I will be providing a brief explanation of these solutions:


Homeowners with sufficient equity can list their property with a qualified CDPE agent that understands the foreclosure process in their area.

This represents only one of the solutions available to homeowners facing foreclosure. Check back tomorrow where I'll discuss another Foreclosure Avoidance Option.

If you would like an all inclusive list immediately, please call or email me-No obligation

Understanding your options now could mean all the difference in the world.

I am a Designated CDPE, for a confidential evaluation of your individual situation, property value, and possible options, call me.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Foreclosure Avoidance Option -8

Foreclosure Avoidance Options

Foreclosure is one of the most devastating financial challenges that a family can face and one that many times can be avoided. The options available to residents for foreclosure are many, including but not limited to short sales. Each day, in the next 10 days I will be providing a brief explanation of these solutions:

Option #8:  Service Members Civil Relief Act (military personnel only)

If a member of the military is experiencing financial distress due to deployment, and that person can show that their debt was entered into prior to deployment, they may qualify for relief under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. The American Bar Association has a network of attorneys that will work with servicemembers in relation to qualifying for this relief.

This represents only one of the solutions available to homeowners facing foreclosure. Check back tomorrow where I'll discuss another Foreclosure Avoidance Option.

If you would like an all inclusive list immediately, please call or email me-No obligation

Understanding your options now could mean all the difference in the world.

I am a Designated CDPE, for a confidential evaluation of your individual situation, property value, and possible options, call me.

Real Estate for Sellers, Buyers and Homeowners by Ann Marie Gargano-Parks's Fan Box