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Monday, July 26, 2010

Short Sale Myths

Short Sale Myths

A number of myths about short sales have developed, and it is important to understand the reality of this process.

Myth #1 – The Bank Would Rather Foreclose than Bother with a Short Sale

This is one of the most common misconceptions. The reality is that banks do not want to foreclose on your property because the foreclosure process is incredibly costly. Overwhelmingly, banks receive more on their investment through a short sale than a foreclosure.

Myth #2 – You Must Be Behind on Your Mortgage to Negotiate a Short Sale

While this may have previously been the case, today lenders are looking for verifiable hardship, monthly cash flow shortfall, or pending shortfall and insolvency.

If you meet these three requirements and believe that you soon may be unable to afford your mortgage, act immediately. Any delay could limit your options. Do not wait until the countdown clock to foreclosure has started and you have even less time left.

Myth #3 – There is Not Enough Time to Negotiate a Short Sale Before My Foreclosure

This is a myth that probably hurts homeowners the most. Many do not realize that foreclosure is a process, and that there is time to make decisions that may result in better outcomes.

Myth #4 – Listing My Home as a Short Sale is an Embarrassment

It is understandable to have reservations about letting the world know that you owe more on your home than it is worth. However, according to recent estimates, more than one out of eight homeowners in the U.S. is in the same situation. You are to be congratulated for admitting you need help, taking action, and finding a professional who can work with you toward a solution.

Myth #5 – Short Sales are Impossible and Never Get Approved

This is a complete falsehood. Are short sales more difficult to execute? Yes.
Are they impossible? Absolutely not.

Agents with the Certified Distressed Property Expert® (CDPE) Designation receive thousands of short sale approvals on a monthly basis. These professionals have undergone extensive training in methods to help homeowners in distress and process short sales. While there are no guarantees in any transaction, more and more short sales are being approved regularly. This is far from an impossible process.

Myth #6 – Banks are Waiting on a Bailout and Not Accepting Short Sales

You may have heard this, but the reality is that banks are trying to do anything they can, within reason, to avoid foreclosing on properties.
Today, more banks are aggressively pursuing short sales and working with agents who understand how to process them.
Myth #7 – Buyers are Not Interested in Short Sale Properties

This is a myth that potential sellers hear all the time. This is just not true. In fact, many agents are getting calls from buyers who say they only want to look at foreclosure and short sales.

Agents with the CDPE Designation have been trained in all aspects of the short sale process, and know how to deal with the parties involved in foreclosures.

Real Estate for Sellers, Buyers and Homeowners by Ann Marie Gargano-Parks's Fan Box